Monday, September 14, 2009

U to the Ca

After living in Utica for a year, James still hadn't taken the opportunity to tour around the quaint little city. Therefore we took some time out to highlight the hotspots.

I've noticed a few other surrounding towns with a pretty clock like this, but I liked this one..

A nifty little corner building. I love these!

Vibrant Mural on the side of a building. It says "Utica: Always reaching towards greater heights."

Taking a nap at the Utica Train Station. Not too busy, but they offer spectacular scenic tours of the Adirondacks!

ALL ABOARD!! haha.

Speaking of Adirondacks... They have amazing hiking trails, and we recently took one around Cascade Lake. It wasn't all that difficult (only a few complaints out of me), and it was a gorgeous day. =)